Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bad weather in Sydney

The day I arrived in Sydney, it was sunny and warm. The next day the clouds started rolling in as I presented. I ended the pitch at 3pm, and made it up the Sydney Tower, and got a few shots, before the really bad stuff arrived. In this shot, try to ignore the big ugly concrete building in the middle, and you can see the Harbour Bridge over the top left corner of it, and the opera house to the right.

From the tower I was able to get a photo of a piece of art that we zoomed by on the bus tour. It is a pair of matchsticks, one burnt and one not.

I ate dinner at a restaurant across the harbour from the Opera House, and got this night shot of it.

I chatted with the older couple next to me. They're Aussies who were in Sydney on vacation (it's Labor Day weekend here). They said the construction of the opera house was controversial, with lots of cost overruns. They held lotteries to raise money to finish it.

Due to the impending rain, I booked a wine tasting tour of the Hunter Valley, a nearby wine-growing region, specializing in semillion (white) and shiraz (red) wines. This is the first place we stopped:

Then the rains caught up to us, so I didn't get many other good photos.

I had seen kangaroo and koalas, but hadn't seen a platypus yet. To remedy that, when I bought my ticket to the tower, I bought a combo ticket to the Sydney Aquarium, which has them on display. They're very small (about a foot long) and very fast (like otters), hard to get good photos of...

I think the camcorder worked better in the aquarium.

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