Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Melbourne, Australia

I made it to Melbourne in the late afternoon, and walked around a bit. I stayed up as late as I could, but ultimately I found a place for an early quick dinner, and went back to my room to crash by 7:00pm local time. The time difference is hard to deal with...

My presentation went pretty well the next day. I cannot seem to stretch out the material to last more than about 4 hours total. I admit I may have turned up the speed a bit, because I knew I was talking to an English speaking audience. I did get some questions, but not many - the foils are fairly comprehensive.

The Aussies love coffee, which helped me tremendously - there are more coffee shops here than in Seattle! However, they mostly drink espresso and capuccino, and I had a hard time finding brewed coffee anywhere.

I got some recommendations for restaurants along the Yarra river which runs through the heart of Melbourne. Most of the restaurants don't even open before 7pm, and I couldn't wait that late, so I bought a slice of pizza and a beer, and took a few photos. Here's the Melbourne skyline at twilight over the Yarra:

I did most of my sightseeing the next day. I'll post more photos later, right now I have to run to catch my flight to Sydney.

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