Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Made it to Johannesburg

I've checked into the Hilton Sandton in Johannesburg. The plane that we flew in was NOT one of the big new Airbuses, just a 747 jumbo with a special cabin arrangement. The upstairs section was all business class, and the seats started at number 80, that's why I was in 84K. Interestingly, the seats were arranged at a 45 degree angle from the center aisle, instead of facing forward. Apparently that lets them squeeze more seats in less space, while still allowing the seats to lay flat. The other instructor that I met in Taipei, Patrick Kappeler, was right across the aisle from me on this flight, and we rode together to the hotel this morning. He presents tomorrow, then continues on to teach at all the European sites. I booked a tour to Lion's Park tomorrow morning, and I teach my last class on Friday, leaving immediately afterwards for Spain and then home.

What I've seen of Joberg from the taxi is a bit unnerving. All the houses have walls around them (not just fences), and the walls are topped with electric fences, razor wire, or spikes. I think I'll just work from the room today, and go out with Patrick for meals.

1 comment:

2ndDonDaughter said...

That is so creapy! The walls with the spikes and stuff! Make sure your extra safe and don't carry too much expensive stuff with you!
How long is Patrick's World Tour? If he's going on to Europe, imagine how exhausted he must be!