Sunday, October 12, 2008

Landed in Taipei

The flight to Taipei went smoothly. I was seated in row 1, business class in the downstairs section of a 747, right up against the nose of the plane! After we landed, as we were waiting to deplane, I discovered that one of the other ITSO instructors, Patrick Kappeler, was on the same flight a couple of rows behind me. I introduced myself, and we rode together to the hotel. He teaches tomorrow, then flies to Beijing on Tues; I teach Tues and fly to Beijing on Wed. He has done the trip before, and informed me that our hotel is right across the street from the main attraction here, the Taipei 101 Tower:

It's overcast here, so Patrick said it wouldn't be worth going up in the tower today. I have all day tomorrow to sightsee, so I got a pamphlet of tour options from the concierge after getting the above photo. The room is nice, comfy king size bed. This place wins the prize for biggest room safe, which can easily hold my entire laptop bag. Also, there's fresh fruit in the room: a bowl of three big plums. Alas, no coffee maker in the room. I'll have to strike out to find a coffee shop.

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